The 79% Principle is a project which questions dating online by applying a supermarket metaphor. We speculate that searching for a date online is becoming so normal, that it could be even compared to such an ordinary action like doing groceries. The project examines the rising problem of objectification of people on dating platforms. Algorithms and their quiet, but powerful, influence on decision making are strongly connected to this issue.
This project is part of a course called “Society of the Spectacle” where we examine, question, criticise and discuss a topic relevant in today’s society. The aim of this project was to create a multi-faceted project including a website, a presence on social media platforms, posters and other printed materials, an event, and a magazine titled “Buffe magazine.” This project was a group effort by Wendela Stjernsward, Hidde Koeslag, Ashley Duinker, Renate Braams, Pip van Gelderen and Urte Raicunate

Our project is called the "79% Principle." Apps like Tinder encourage continuous swiping by tailoring 79% of their algorithms to your preferences, thereby enticing you to spend more time on the app. Striking a delicate equilibrium between aligning the algorithms with your interests and introducing something "new" accounts for the remaining 21%. This 21% element is designed to pique your curiosity about potential matches beyond your established preferences, while the 79% represents the application's understanding of your interests.

Poster design by Wendela Sternsjward and Pip van Gelderen, 79% Principle © 2020

"Buffe magazine", a printed publication of the project

79% Principle and Buffe Magazine, Wendela Sternsjward, Urte Raïcunate, Hidde Koeslag, Ashley Duinker, Renate Braams and Pip van Gelderen © 2020